County Clerk to get the paperwork county certified.
Dept of State to get them apostilled.
Fed Ex to get them mailed.
Post Office to mail some t-shirts and pick up a letter we missed on Saturday (Golden ticket?!).
Bank to deposit t-shirt and bottle money.
Drove 30 minutes to the first stop before I realized today is Columbus Day and they were ALL closed.
I have three photo appointments tomorrow (which is good!), but we WILL get it done.
In entertainment news for the day...
Nathan, the littles, and Oakley (the dog) walked to a market close by to get some milk yesterday afternoon and who is out walking her dogs? Dr.Rude. Nathan said she literally picked up her dogs and started basically running up the hill to get away from them. Distressed enough that she actually dropped one of the dogs! Even Cale said, "Mama- a lady ran from us with her dogs! She was not nice and did not say hi". ha.
Here's Pastor K and the lovely Jen representing Annie at DisneyWorld this week!
And my beautiful sister in law waiting for her neice :)
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