Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Five more families got their dates. We were expecting seven, hoping for nine at our house, but only five :/
It is obviously great that five more families will be on their way to their littles! Our team says more dates may come in the next couple of days or early next week, but the appointments issued today are so late in the month, that it's likely to only be the two who missed out on this batch and no more.

We should plan to travel in January, and since they will be closed for their holidays the first chunk, we will probably go sometime in the middle. A whole month later than we had hoped.

I am really trying not to be a Debbie Downer, but we're disappointed. It doesn't feel right to do Christmas without her. If we had gotten a date, we wouldn't be home for Christmas, but no one would be alone. Going in January means being there thru February... gosh I don't want her to spend her birthday in that orphanage. I know God's timing is perfect, but it's a really hard pill to swallow right now.

We just want our girl.
And we're exhausted. Staying up late, getting up early- hopes up, hopes down, hopes up, hopes down. Mad rush to be ready, just incase. EVERYTHING in limbo. No answers for the kids. It's... exhausting. And now we do it all over again.

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