Thursday, August 18, 2011


There are a few times in life when chunk is a good word. For example: when you are referring to the size of a chocolate chip in a cookie, when you are referring to an adorably squishy baby, and when you are referring to the amount of adoption paperwork we just mailed in :)

A BIG chunk. Squeee!
The only thing our homestudy lacks is physicals- mine and Nathan's are next week and the kids are mid-September (bummer that we needed to try to get them in so close to school starting... we are bottom of the totem pole at the pedi's office lol).

We are getting closer!!

That mean's we are also chugging right along on our dossier, one piece at a time... slowly but surely, we will get our girl home!

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha HA! Congratulations on that chunk : )
    I agree about the limited times you can use that word and describe it as good.
